Guideline LPX Tactical ger oss möjlighet att bygga flugspön med en unik kast- och fiskeupplevelse där C.A.P M4.0™-tekniken ger den lätthet, kraft och stabilitet du drömmer om i ett öringspö.
Läs merLPX Tactical
4 999.00 SEK
Streamer fishing offers one of the most exciting and fast-paced ways to fly fish. For larger rivers on both the East and West coast of the United States and abroad, it is a great way to cover water and seek out the most aggressive trout. There may be a no more productive option during high water in late spring, especially if it is not completely clear. And when colder nights start to stir fish well before their spawning time in the early fall, it remains equally as deadly, especially if one is searching for a true trophy.
Last summer the Guideline team met with ambassador John Bond on Norway’s Rena River to discuss streamer tactics and how to properly choose the correct outfit for approaching this style of fishing. John runs Rena Fish Camp, an operation just north of Oslo, a fly shop and guide service that is inspired by his former home in Montana. We experienced rare late summer high-water and used his drift boat to pick apart the many shorelines. This meant sinking lines and larger than normal flies, especially articulated streamers in various styles and patterns.
With the banks flooded just over 3ft (1m) past their normal level, we arrived with multiple outfits ready to experiment with streamers of different sizes on different density lines. The NT11 Saline #6 with a smaller natural-colored offering did work in the upper reaches of the river and switching to a floating line, we were also able to throw large dry flies with this outfit. If one is looking for something to do it all, a faster 6wt like this is the option of choice, and while it is not recommended to throw larger 6” + flies, it still can deliver a smaller streamer on the mark with the option to switch tactics if necessary.
Guideline LPX Tactical ger oss möjlighet att bygga flugspön med en unik kast- och fiskeupplevelse där C.A.P M4.0™-tekniken ger den lätthet, kraft och stabilitet du drömmer om i ett öringspö.
Läs merLPX Tactical
4 999.00 SEK
Halo har marknadsledande egenskaper i sitt segment med toppkvalitet i alla delar av produktionen. Dessa flugrullar är CNC-frästa ur ett stycke aluminium i hög kvalitet för kompromisslös funktion och en härlig fiskeupplevelse.
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NT11 Saline – vår toppmodell och det ultimata valet för dedikerade kust- och tropikfiskare som kräver inget annat än det bästa.
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Guideline LPX Coastal är nästa generations flugspön för kust och tropiskt fiske, utvecklade med förstklassiga och miljövänliga komponenter samt ett mer hållbart produktionssätt.
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5 199.00 SEK
The most used rod in the arsenal was the 9’ #7 which has proved itself as a great option for the streamer enthusiast. It handles sinking lines and a medium to large fly and remains light enough in hand with enough feel to comfortably cast all day. Expect to cast a significant amount while streamer fishing from a boat, as no pocket or “fishy” spot should be left un-presented. Stealth is not key here, as just constantly keeping the fly in the zone where it has the greatest chance is the recipe for success. Both John and I prefer to start with a faster more aggressive retrieve, but mixing it up, especially if a fish flashes on your fly, is a great option as well.
Streamer fishing from a drift boat is all about covering water. The rower will position the boat to hit the ideal structure, most often a fishy bank. And both anglers will cover the desired water. Sometimes it is possible to row back up and fish again through something, but most often you are fishing downriver. The speed of the current and obstacles in the river determine how long the rower can keep the boat ready to fish in a particular spot which also means it is necessary for the angler to fish in a way that anticipates the best water. If you see something coming up that is worth fishing, timing your casts to make sure you hit the area in a quick time window is crucial. This is at a much faster pace than dry fly fishing from a drift boat, where it is often used as a tool to sneak up on fish in a presentable location. Streamer fishing is all about covering water and doing it effectively. A short consistent cast is most effective, keeping the fly in the zone.
When the flies are oversized and the river is at its largest, like in the Rena’s lower reaches during our trip, I find myself reaching for an 8wt to constantly deliver presentations on target. Streamer patterns are meant to imitate a larger meal which can sometimes be the ticket in searching for a real trophy. Casting these is a chore at first and takes some getting used to, but the less time the streamer spends in the air, the better. Using the surface of the water to load the rod is a great way to minimize false casting and send flies out with minimal effort. I prefer to make one false cast only, if at all, meaning my fly is spending more time fishing and less time in the air, where it is prone to other dangers.
Safety is another thing to consider while streamer fishing, as not only should your fly spend less time in the air, but the cast should be angled to keep the fly away from you and the others in the boat. Sunglasses and a hat are mandatory protection as well, as articulated flies with dumbbell eyes and multiple hooks pose their own set of dangers. It is up to the angler in the back if the boat to time casts to not tangle with their boat partner. They are facing forward and can see the rower and the front angler, while the others are not always turning around to see what is happening as the boat moves down river.
In two days floating the Rena, we moved and caught some great fish and were the only ones fishing the entire river. It was simply too high for wading anglers and streamer fishing from the boat gave us the edge to be successful. We arrived with the correct equipment, high density sinking lines and 6, 7, and 8 WT outfits, and reaped the benefits. To see this technique in action, watch the accompanying videos, both on streamer techniques and John’s favorite fly patterns for this style of fishing, some off which are listed here.
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