Euronymphing ABC

Euronymphing ABC

Across Europe, there is a long tradition of nymph fishing with multiple variations. French, Czech, Polish, and Spanish fly anglers have all developed distinct methods for fishing with nymphs. Today, all these nymphing styles are grouped under a single term: *Euronymphing*. The funny thing is that the name comes from the other side of the Atlantic, but, to be fair, it makes talking about nymphing techniques much easier. In short, Euronymphing means long rods, tungsten bead heads, and lots of fish. 

By Miguel Blanco Blazquez - Guideline Ambassador Spain



When you want to do euronymphing properly, you need a long rod, it should be reactive with a sensitive tip and should be good for tippet protection. This is not easy to find and that’s why I love my LPX Nymph rods. The 10,8 models both #2 and 3# are the perfect nymph rod if you want long drifts and better control. Otherwise the 10,2 3# is the choice if you fish in tight places. For the fly reel, I use the Fario LW 24 because it made a very good balance with the rod and also its soft brake is absolutely perfect when you use thin tippets.

If you want to get the best results doing nymphing, the way is to use a long leader or better I could say a super long leader. For this fishing I use a 5X level leader. You could use a color tippet or if you feel more confident, use the Power Strike+ but at the end you need at least a sighter. Actually I use two of them. They could be a piece of color leader or you could paint it with different wax. The sighter allow you to know where drifting your nymphs, how deep they are and also you could see the bites (any strange movement of the sighter). The sigher should be always visible and close to the surface, that's why I use two sighters because I could fish in two different depths. I use the down sighter for shallow waters and the upper sighter for deep waters. They are separated around 80 cm apart.

About the tippet this is an easy answer for me: Egor+ Fluorocarbon 7X. I only use 6,5X or 6X if there are too many obstacles on the water or I’m pretty sure that I’m casting for a huge trout. Don’t be afraid to use a 7X tippet, the rods are made to work with thin tippets and you can land big trouts without brakes. 


If you want to fish with a euronymphing setup, the best way is to use a long leader, and in that case, the line cannot help you to cast. You have to use the weight of the nymph to cast and not always is easy if you want to cast with precision, especially with small nymphs. You could try two different ways to cast. The first way is stripping the line up to have the nymphs holding out of the tip of the rod, 2 meters from the tip is enough. You have to hold the leader in your hand when you are casting and release it just after the casting stroke (more or less like the running line on two handed casting). This is not my favorite, but it works well with heavy nymphs and also in tight places with trees or other obstacles. The other way to cast is my favorite. Consist to make a back cast in the opposite directions of your target ( cast back at 180 degrees of your target) . You need to extend the leader and as soon as the nymph touches the water, do the forward cast. Maybe you need some practice to get the perfect timing, but after some training, you'll be able to cast with total precision even nymphs in size 20.


While heavy nymphs are often associated with Euronymphing, they’re not always necessary. Avoid overusing them unless absolutely required. Light nymphs often perform better, and “light” doesn’t necessarily mean drifting near the surface—it’s about achieving the right sink rate without being unnaturally heavy. In general, I like to use Perdigons in faster water and natural, hairy nymphs in slower water. However, this isn’t a strict rule. A good tip is to start with a combination: use a heavier Perdigon as the point fly and a lighter, hairy nymph as a dropper. Observe the fish’s response—if they show a preference, switch accordingly. 

The best flies for euronymphing 

Killer Chocolate Perdigon

Killer Chocolate Perdigon kommer med en kropp av brunfarget holografisk tinsel som matcher en rekke mørkere nymfer i elva.

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Killer Chocolate Perdigon

35.00 NOK

Red Butt Perdigon

Spania er Red Butt Perdigon trolig den mest berømte nymfen blandt konkurransefiskere som hevder den er så effektiv at du bare bør sette den på, fisk og ikke tenk på noe annet.

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Red Butt Perdigon

35.00 NOK

Czech Weapon

Czech Weapon er en meget god flue for seinsommer og høstfiske etter både harr og ørret.

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Czech Weapon

35.00 NOK

Czech Weapon Depthfinder

Czech Weapon Depthfinder har større bead og er tyngre enn standard varianten Czech Weapon.

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Czech Weapon Depthfinder

35.00 NOK


One of the key skills in nymph fishing is getting your flies to the desired depth. The simple answer might seem to be: just use a heavy nymph. But that’s often a mistake. Heavy nymphs drift unnaturally, resembling a stone rather than something alive. While you can catch fish this way, you’ll catch far fewer than if you use smaller, lighter nymphs. 

So, how do you get a small nymph down? It’s all about physics. A slim nymph is more hydrodynamic and sinks faster than bulkier nymphs of the same weight. Shape matters. This is why Spanish Perdigons have become so popular—they sink faster than any other nymph. 

Tippet diameter also plays a role. The thinner the tippet, the less resistance it creates, allowing the nymph to sink faster. That’s why I use 7X Egor Fluorocarbon. Thin tippet not only improves sink rate but also allows for a better drift. In a current, thick tippet creates tension, which interferes with a natural drift. Thinner tippet reduces this effect, ensuring a more realistic presentation. 

Detecting bites is critical in nymph fishing, but it isn’t always easy. If you’re a beginner, or if the trout are particularly active, or you’re fishing very fast water, 'feeling the bite' is the best method. Keep light tension on your leader, and when a fish takes the nymph, you’ll feel the “tap” in your rod tip or hand. At this moment, set the hook with a soft but quick reaction. 

However, tensioning the leader to feel bites can interfere with the drift, and in pressured waters, trout may refuse your nymph. For the next level, focus on 'visual bite detection'. Use small nymphs, cast upstream, and follow the drift with a slight curve in your leader. This maintains contact with the nymph without pulling it. Watch the sighter carefully—any subtle movement (often upstream) could indicate a bite. React quickly but softly with a short, fast hook set. This technique requires focus and practice, but once mastered, it’s incredibly effective and rewarding. 

Check out rods & reels for euronymphing 

LPX NymphLPX Nymph

Guideline LPX Nymph er ultralette fluestenger med fantastisk balanse og lav svingvekt for kompromissløst nymfefiske.

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LPX Nymph

4 399.00 NOK

Fario LW AntraciteFario LW Antracite

Fario LW er laget spesielt for ørretfiskern som liker lette fluesneller, god kapasitet, myk brems og hurtig innsveiving. Fario LW består av kvalitetsmaterialer, har vanntett bremesystem med karbonskiver og kraft nok til å bremse drømmefisken.

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Fly Reels

Fario LW Antracite

3 899.00 NOK

Egor+ FC Spools

Dette er et av de aller beste japanske fluorocarbon materialene på markedet. Egor fortomsmateriale er veldig knutesterkt, slitesterkt og er svært nøyaktig i forhold til oppgitt tykkelse.

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Egor+ FC Spools

199.00 NOK

Elevation NymphElevation Nymph

Elevation Nymph er en serie med fluestenger utviklet for å dekke de vanligste formene for moderne nymfeteknikk/euronymphing.

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Elevation Nymph

2 999.00 NOK

Ultralight Foam Box OrangeUltralight Foam Box Orange

Boksene for den som vil ha lettest mulig! Oransje farge synes og er lett å se hvis du legger den på bakken. Boksene flyter hvis du mister dem på vannet. Slits og tri-foam inni er praktisk og fleksiblet når fluene skal plasseres.

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Ultralight Foam Box Orange

199.00 NOK

Power Strike Trout 12'

Power Strike taperte fortommer er ekstrudert etter nøyaktige mål fra den høyeste kvalitet japansk copolymer tilgjengelig. Butt og tapering er lang som sørger for presis og god overrulling som tilfredstiller den mest kresen ørretfiskeren.

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Power Strike Trout 12'

79.00 NOK

Discover the LPX Nymph rods in this video

Guideline LPX Nymph is packed with high-end features and components that will satisfy the most demanding euro-nymphing anglers. Thanks to our C.A.P M4.0 advanced blank construction technology, these rods are incredibly light for their length (78g for a 10'8 #3) and have an action that takes nymph rods to the next level. The feeling is superbly sensitive, making it possible to detect even the most subtle of takes. The tip is very sensitive with gradually more power down the blank. The different parts of the rod engage very smoothly as you put more power into them. This makes fighting bigger fish more effective yet maintaining protection of the finest tippets.